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Feb 18, 2011

Meal Planning

In attempt to budget and get my finances under control I have started watching TV shows and reading websites  about money management. Most of them say that meal planning and grocery shopping once a week really helps to manage on a budget. I really really want to do this. Once in a while we actually sit down to plan our weekly meals and stick to them for the week. Doing so actually reduces stress and chaos at home significantly.
The only problem is I am not sure what to plan week by week. We have a few things in our weekly rotation that I know the kids will eat. These things include fish sticks with sweet potato fries, and steamed broccoli. Grilled cheese with sliced cucumbers on the side. Since the kids have become so picky about what they eat it has become harder and harder to feed the family. I am now looking for new ideas on what to add to the rotation and that can be prepared before hand to reduce fuss and muss time in the evening (so slow cooker ideas and make ahead recipes would be much appreciated!!!)

1 comment:

zozosmamma said...

Well, I know some people will disagree with me on this, but I no longer worry if my kids will eat what I cook. Of course I keep the things they will eat in my rotation (I don't meal plan for day to day, but I keep a vague plan in my mind for the dinners I plan to cook over the week when I shop, and then choose which one to make each night based on when I get home, since my job makes it very variable) but I refuse to not make things Adam and I like because I know (or think) the kids wont eat it. I just make sure there are side dishes on the side, and let them have something quick and easy (fruit and yogurt, veggies and dip, PB sandwich) if they wont eat any part of dinner. Makes it easier for me to meal plan...and make meals I enjoy!

When I did try to keep them (well, her, since Charlotte is not picky) in mind when making meals, I just ended up disappointed since Zoë would often not eat what I had made with her in mind...and it was certainly not what I or DH would have nobody but Charlotte ended up enjoying dinner!

I also have my grocery money in an envelope. I only use cash, and it is all I use for food for the week (unless I am having a special event). I make a list and don't deviate from it, and it works. And I do my groceries at Wal-Mart now. It is way cheaper...